I just entered my 3rd Trimester, Yay!
I am still feeling really good at this point in the pregnancy and have continued to workout steadily. My feet and ankles aren't swelling, rings are still on, and my weight gain is at about 19 pounds at this point. I started out gaining pretty quickly but it's be slow going since about 15 weeks at about 1/2 a pound week which they say is good!
So how have my workouts changed from 1st, 2nd, now 3rd Trimester...
First Trimester:
Honestly, during the first trimester I didn't really change to much in my routine. I was still able to run as far and as long as I wanted and I was lifting pretty much the same amount of weight. My list of first tri-cons -
1. TIRED, like seriously exhausted.
2. SICK, wasn't feeling to well and had to workout at lunch instead of in the AM which I was doing.
3. FEAR, during the first Tri. your baby is in a fragile time and I was scare to push myself to hard.
First tri-Pros -
1. Cardio was no problem for me still
2. Baby was little and wasn't uncomfortable in my belly for one second
3. Didn't tucker out fast
Second Trimester:
During my second tri. I had to make a few modifications to my routine. During the first few weeks of the 2nd tri. I wasn't showing really and it made it easier to workout. Second Tri-Cons:
1. DISCOMFORT - While running so I had to start using the elliptical or stair climber more
2. BIG BELLY - At the end my belly was getting bigger and Abs became a thing of the past haha
Second Tri-Pros:
1. CARDIO - I could still do it!
2. Energy came back
3. Sickness was gone
4. Was feeling really good in general and embracing this new life inside me
Third Trimester:
Well I just started the third tri. so this will change for sure but here is what I got so far:
Third Tri-Cons:
1. BIG BELLY, belly is getting bigger so Abs are still out pretty much
2. DISCOMFORT, still not comfy to run and I walking a lot now or going at a snails pace on the elliptical.
3. TIRED, it's back and I get winded so fast
Third Tri-Pros:
1. MODIFY, I am modifying my weight training routine and focus on low weight, higher reps
Workouts -
Legs day:
25 pound slow squats
Cable side extensions
Leg Extensions
Cable Step-ups
Hamstring pulls
20 minutes on either the elliptical, stair-climber or walking
Arms Day 1:
Tricep dips assisted
Tricep pulldowns
Tri Kickbacks
Chest Flys
Planks, I do what I can here. Usually doesn't last long ;)
Arms Day 2:
Wide Grip pulldowns
Should press
Bicep curls
Should flys