Thursday, March 21, 2013

The Good, The Bad, & The Ugly

I am just about at 11 weeks and Baby P is the size of a Fig!!

I wanted to post today about some of the things people don't tell you when you are pregnant for the first time.  Some of them are just straight up embarrassing and others are just small annoyances but non-the-less they go unspoken.

Everyone knows about the all the good stuff but it seems that no one ever talks about the bad stuff. I have to admit I am guilty as charged. When ever we tell people for the first time and they ask me how I'm feeling and how it is all going, my reaction is always the same "I'm doing so great!" Now don't get me wrong, I really am doing great. How could I not be with my first baby on the way :)! The statement however is only partially true. Here is why...

The Good!

Let me start by saying that for me there are definitely more good things about being pregnant than bad or even ugly.  Finding out you are expecting is one of the most amazing feelings in the world.  The excitement of nurturing your future baby in your womb for 9 months is something that can't be compared to anything else in this world. 

Another really good thing is I am able to work out 5 or 6 days a week still!  Exercise is a BIG part of my life and although I have modified my routine some I am still going at it full blown.  I even ran 6 miles at 10 Weeks the other day!

The Bad!

In two words, Morning Sickness!  Now for most this is in the bad category but I can say with confidents that for most woman this would most definitely be placed in the ugly section.  I only experienced queasiness and nausea between 5-9 weeks and it pretty much came and went as it please.  I started out getting it in the morning but it gradually went to the evenings making night time pretty tough. 

Dinner time, or should I say what dinner, would definitely be on my bad list.  During those several weeks of queasiness I didn't want dinner.  The thought of it would make my tummy turn.  So I pretty much ate cereal and the occasional bowl of soup.  Luckily this has just about gone away. 

Now this next one is a mix between bad and ugly but I will put it on the bad list.  Acne! Oh yes, acne and not on my face.  I wouldn't really say being pregnant has be glowing haha!  I have never in my life had an issue with acne on my back but ever since I got prego my back is like a 13 year old boy hitting puberty.  I have my fingers crossed that at the 14 week mark when they say your hormones level out this will go away.  In the meantime, it pretty much just bites the big one :(

That leads me to the fatigue.  From weeks 4 (when we found out) to about week 10 I was literally falling asleep at my desk during work and out cold by 8:00pm each night.  My sweet baby was taking every bit of energy I had.  And if we are being honest...with no energy and extreme fatigue comes a lack of other activity with the hubby.

This last one is simple...All I want is carbs.  Not a good on my booty or waistline!  I used to never eat pastries.  Now I can't order a coffee at starbucks with out getting a baked good.


This is gross and definitely embarrassing but I'm committed to putting the truth out there.  My prenatals give me diarrhea.  There I said it...It is terrible.  When I don't take them I am fine and everything is how it should be.  On them I am a hot mess.  It makes me soooooo sick.  I will literally spend the night in an out of the rest room in pain.  I was barely sleeping.  I had no choice but to stop taking them.  I don't like the idea of this but I have my 12 week appointment in about a week and half and I plan to discuss this with them.  So until then I will not take them.  I will be sure to keep you all posted on that situation!

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