Tuesday, April 16, 2013

2nd Trimester

Yay, the second trimester at last!!

I am feeling so much better with little to no 24/7 sickness at all.  My energy levels are completely back to normal and I actually stay awake past 8:00pm now, seriously haha!!

With this new found energy my workouts are back in full swing.  I was pushing myself pretty hard during the first trimester just to go but now I enjoy it again.  The best part is I am back to doing more cardio which is helping the weight gain process of being pregnant.  I am finding that I get tired quicker during a run but I am still doing it never the less :)

Here are the last 2 days of workouts; They were light days of mostly cardio

Cardio: 30 minutes of intervals (1 min walk at 4.0mph & 1 min run at 7.0mph) My run part is slower now then it used to be.  For my non-pregnant peeps run at 8.0mph if you can or are advanced.
Hip and Butt work: On all fours with side kick, back kick, windmill, and front to back kick each leg
Abs (Core): Plank up/downs (See pic below), Mountain climbers, plank side to side step, bicycle
Cardio: 20 minutes (10 intervals on treadmill and 10 stair climber)
Abs: Oblique workout from post below

My progress update:

How far along: 14 weeks and 3 days now

Weight gain: Yep, 8 pounds so far

Cravings: gone pretty much but every now and then I want pizza and sauce still

Looking forward to:  Finding out the gender May 1st!! Girl or Boy??

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