Friday, March 29, 2013

New pregnant Body

Like most women I have lived my life being aware of how I look and fit in my cloths.  I have gone through stages of obsessing over my weight to, as I got older, learning to love my body but being aware of what I eat.  Now that I am pregnant and finally starting to peak a little (definitely haven't popped out yet) I am adjusting to a whole new level of body image.

I am more than happy to be pregnant and I can't wait to have that beautiful baby bump.  However, weeks 9-14 I am finding that I feel more like I have a beer gut and a whole lot less like a pretty bump.  During these several weeks your body is not ready for maternity clothes but you are growing out of your normal clothes.  Also, if you are like most women you have begun to pack on a few pounds.  I have gained about 5 so far...yikes :)!!  All of these factors can make you feel less attractive or down on yourself and I have gone through moments of both but I always remind myself that "you are pregnant and weight gain is natural".  Our bodies are going to do what is natural.  Being pregnant is a natural thing and the body knows what to do, so don't sweat it.  Dealing with weight gain is definitely a challenge that I have ups and downs with but I am learning to deal.  I find that hitting the gym really helps me with this.

Here is my recent full body workout I did yesterday.  My energy is starting to come back and I feel better each day making it easier to workout as normal again!!

  • 10 min treadmill warmup (walk to jog)
  • 2 or 3 x 20 reps dumbell rows in squat position
  • 2/3 x 20 reps squats
  • 2/3 x 20 reps lying dumbell tricep extensions
  • 3 x 12 reps reverse lunges (per leg)
  • 8 min treadmill walk ( I used to run for my non-prego friends)
  • 3 x 18 reps bicep curls in lunge position (per leg)
  • 3 x 18 reps lateral raise in lunge position (per leg)
  • 8 min treadmill run ( I used to run for my non-prego friends)
  • 20 x incline crunches
  • 3 x 18 reps prone kneeling leg extensions (per leg)
  • 3 x 15 reps forward lunges (per leg)
  • 8 min treadmill cool down (jog to walk)

  • Belly progress: 0 to 12 Weeks

    Weight Gain: 5-6 pounds (Not liking that to much but it's pretty normal

    Working out: Yes!! I am still hitting the gym at least 5 times a week.  My intensity is not as high but I'm still at it.

    Cravings: Marinara sauce, I literally want pizza and pasta like every day and pastries still.  I guess salty foods would classify as a craving here.

    Looking forward to:  My belly getting bigger and looking prego in the tummy!  Also, finding out the gender in several weeks :)!

    Morning Sickness:  More like evening sickness...but over the last few days it has been going away! Thank goodness :)

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