Thursday, February 7, 2013

Legs Day

I hit the gym early Wednesday morning for a nice Legs and Ads session before work!  I modified my workout by doing 1 less set of each move and less weight.  To be honest the only reason I did was out of fear of hurting the babes so this may change!!


  • Barbell Squat with 55 lbs (3Sets:12Reps, Usually do 100 lbs)
  • 25 lbs Weighted Lunge (3Sets:15Reps)
  • Hamstring Curls (3Sets:12Reps)
  • Leg Extensions 90Lbs (3Sets:12Reps)
  • Hip Abductor Machines (4Sets:15Reps)

  • Reverse Curl
  • Scissor Kicks
  • Plank

During the First Trimester I have read you can do Abs as normal!  Although I have to admit I was a little nervous.  After the first Trimester you can not lie on your back anymore to do abs because it cuts off oxygen to the baby due to the weight on your abdomen.

Tuesday, February 5, 2013


What prenatals do you take?

I'm not gonna lie I was kinda anti taking prenatals before I got pregnant.  My plan was to take my usual multivitamin and a DHA vitamin.  I eat a really healthy diet and get regular exercise so I figured with all of that combined I didn't need the prenatal.  I did a comparison of my One-A-Day multi and One-A-Day Prenatal and it was pretty much the same except for a few things.  Biotin, Iron, and Folic Acid were a good bit lower in the multi.  Once I did a little research on the importance of those things I decided to take the Prenatal instead.

I cut the prenatal in 2 pieces and take one half in the morning with the DHA and the other half at night.  I find it is not as harsh on my tummy and it helps break up the dose of Iron.

Today our baby's spine and major organs are starting to form!!!

Monday, February 4, 2013

Sesame Seed

What we eat while pregnant is extremely important.  I read that during the first trimester we don't need extra calories but let me tell ya...I'm way hungrier.  I already had a really healthy and clean diet but now that I am expecting my first baby I am definitely taking it more serious.  As you know already, I am big in to fitness.  My pre-baby diet consisted of lean meats, veggies/fruits, grains so it is not all that different but I am making sure to eat more whole grains and nuts.  It is also important to eat more lean protein. 

Here is what I am eatting:

Sweet Potatoes
Lean Meats and Fish
Veggies -Leafy Greens are really important
Greek Yogurt
Whole Grains

I have not started having any food cravings yet and I am really interested to see what I am going to want.  My favorite unhealthy candy to eat are sour patch kids but that is my favorite pregnant and not ;)

My typical meal plan:

1 whole Egg / 1 White scrambled
1/4 C cooked spinach
1 Slice Ekeziel Bread with Flax Seed Peanut Butter (Lightly spread)
Small coffee with cream and sugar

Mix nuts or just Walnuts

Spicy Turkey Muffins with bell peppers
Steam Broccoli
Sweet Potato

Organic Greek Yogurt or Fruit

Lean Meat
Whole Grain i.e. quinoa, brown rice, sweet potato

What are you eatting?

Week - 4 to 5
Weight - 118
Baby Phelps is the size of a Sesame Seed

Poppy Seed

We are officially 4 weeks pregnant! 

As I've mentioned I really enjoy being healthy and living a very active lifestyle, especially fitness and working out.  So as you can imagine I have so many questions about what I can and can't do.  I don't want to hurt or loss our baby.  I am going to post my Pregnancy workouts and modifications so you can follow along.  The first few weeks will be very similar to my pre-baby routine but as I get to the second and third trimester it will chance a lot. 

We found out on Feb. 1st which was a friday.  So here is my workout routine for Saturday and Sunday;

Shoulders and Cardio

Should Press with 20 Pound dumbbells (3 Sets / 12 Reps)
Lateral cable Flies (3 Sets / 12 Reps)
Front Raises on Cable (3 Sets / 12 Reps)
Barbell Upright Row with 45 Pounds (4 Sets / 10 Reps)
Cable Reverse Fly (3 Sets / 12 Reps)

20 Minutes on Elliptical - 2 minutes low intensity and 2 minutes high intensity


3 mile hill run with my lab
Floor crunches at home

Since I found out I was pregnant I have taken it down a notch.  Like I said, I don't want to hurt our baby.  My body is used to working out so I am not going to stop.  Plus I read that is good for your body to keep a regular exercise routine while pregnant.  I am going to consult my OBGYN when we go on March 5th.  I have so many questions about exercise and what is safe. 

Week - 4
Starting Weight - 117.2 Pounds
Baby Phelps is the size of a poppy seed this week

I know I am not showing AT ALL but I am definitely tracking our babys growth already ;)

40 Weeks

Welcome to the Tough Like Mommy blog!

Let me tell you a little about myself.  I am 27 years old (well I will me in a few weeks) and my hubby is 32.  We got married in October 2012 and I can honestly say I married my best friend.  We both knew we wanted to start a family sooner than later we casually started trying after the wedding. 

I came off birth control right before the wedding because we didn't want to get pregnant before we were legit.  We knew that it could take a few months for my body to start ovulating again so when we didn't get pregnant right away we weren't shocked.  bummed maybe but not shocked.  It took me 2 months to get back on track and start having a normal cycle.  Which is actually really good and we pretty much got pregnant right after that. 

Our baby story begins on January 5, 2013, 40 weeks out!

I got home from the gym on Friday morning at 6:30 A.M. and decided I would take a pregnancy test.  All week I had this strange, 6th sense like feeling that we were expecting.  My sense of smell was out of control and by 3:00 P.M. each day I was literally falling asleep at my desk.  I was still 7 days away from my next period so I wasn't expecting to much to come of the test and I prepared myself to see a Not Pregnant sign and then just move on with my day.  I just assumed since my period wasn't for several more days the test would be negative even if we were.  But to my surprise two pink lines slowly got darker and darker.  I stood there in a complete state of shock and excitement!  We are pregnant!
It's funny how even when you are trying a positive test can still shock you haha!

I told my hubs that night when we got home from work with 7 little sticky notes and a little Daddy onesis.  We was so excited we almost got lost on our way to a restaruant we have been to at least a100 times. 

You could only imagine how many questions we had.  What can and can't I eat?  Can I still workout the same way I do?  How big is our baby?  I had been doing my research ofcourse when we started trying.  Still though these questions come to mind.

So now I am on a mission to learn everything I can to eat right, maintain my healthy lifestyle, and have a baby tougher than mommy!