Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Pregnancy and Cardio

So I haven't blogged in several weeks and I'm sorry for that!  I was super busy at work and life but I got a topic to share today!

Pregnancy and cardio, just because you are pregnant doesn't mean you can't workout and enjoy a nice sweat session.  Over the memorial day weekend I took myself and my 20 weeks belly to the track!  This is something I really enjoyed doing before I got pregnant and to be honest this weekend is the first time I've gone since.  I am going to share my pre and during pregnancy track routine.

Pre Pregnancy:

First Mile - Walk 1 lap, run 1 lap, walk 1 lap, run 1 lap (the run is faster then whats comfortable)
Bleachers - Run 5 minutes worth of bleachers (I could usually do 5 or 6)
Second Mile -  Walk the turns and sprint the straight aways as fast as I could to complete 4 laps
Bleachers - Run 5 minutes worth of bleachers
Third Mile - Walk the turns and sprint the straight aways as fast as I could to complete 4 laps

If I was up to it I would repeat the bleachers and the first mile again!

During Pregnancy:

First Mile - Walk 1 lap, run 1 lap, walk 1 lap, run 1 lap (I ran as fast as I could)
Bleachers - I complete 3 bleach climbs (I was able to run the first one and the last 2 I went as high as I could)
Second Mile -Walk 1 lap, run 1 lap, walk 1 lap, run 1 lap
Bleachers - I complete 3 bleach climbs (I was able to run the first one and the last 2 I went as high as I could)

I walked one final lap just to cool down some!

You can see I didn't make it as long or as powerful but I was still very proud of myself and happy I could still complete what I set out to do!

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Its a BOY!

Well it is safe to say that everywise tale there is is wrong!  The only thing you can count on when determining your babys gender is an Ultrasound!

Here are some of the test I did:

Almost all the test say Girl and we are not having a girl haha!  They are fun but clearly it is a 50/50 chance and thats all!